Joe Goes To New York

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What's up with this site?

This site is an online journal about my relocation from Oakland California to  Brooklyn, New York. My Quest begins April 1st as I hop in my jeep and take interstate 80 East with stops along the way in Salt Lake City, a visit to my brother's frat house in South Dakota, Cleveland and to my hotel room in Newark.
My Plan is to find a place in Brooklyn after only a few days out there. Stay tuned to find out if I end up homeless....
Please follow my journey to the heights of success or to the depths of despair, either way we'll be in this together. Well, at the very least you can get some free entertainment at my expense.
Thank you for the visiting and enjoy the trip.

I'll make changes to this site on a regular basis, so you should check back often.



Be sure to get in touch so I know you're out there!

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