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Daily Logs June 2-June 8 2004

June 2 2004

2 Months
It's been 2 months since I first packed up the Jeep and headed east. I find that hard to believe because it feels like it's been 2 years.
The rate of new experiences, friendships and insights is happening at such mind- boggling speed that it doesn't seem real. I read my log entry on April 2nd and remembered how I felt so unsure right before leaving and had to run out of town. I read a couple more days and then I stopped. I have to keep thinking forward and not look back just yet.
Yes it feels good to remember how far I've come, but right now it's more important to focus on what I need right now. The book on this adventure is far from finished and it appears that I will be going through some very difficult days because I am just about out of money. Still, I wouldn't have changed a thing about the choices I've made so far.

Minus Sign 2

June 3 2004

Death of A PC

My PC failed again for the 3rd time in 3 years. Thankfully David let me borrow his laptop a couple days ago in anticipation of this. I still have valuable pictures, software and other files that I need access to continue to improve this site, so I need your help. If anyone has a copy or original version of Windows XP that you can send me ASAP with serial number, I will be forever grateful to you! I can't get past the boot up screen on my pc that was running 2000 so I desperately need this. I can't pay you for it, but I'll owe you a favor.

Ok, so I did more job searching today before the crash and found a couple of fun gigs that seem cool. One is teaching video produciton at a summer camp for kids. Summer camp was something I used to look forward to a year in advance, along with Christmas and my birthday. That would be fun to teach at a camp, cause in reality I'm just a big kid anyway.

After the crash, I went to the lower eastside to check out a couple of free bars/clubs. I found a couple places that were spinning 80's music and based on how the folks were dressed, if I was locked in a basement in 1984 and released in that club/bar in 2004, I'd say to myself 'Gosh things haven't changed at all! Has anyone seen my Micheal Jackson glove?'

Ok, everyone please bow your heads and observe a moment of silence for my dearly departed computer. For now....

Minus Sign 2

June 4 2004

For those who don't know that stands for Lower EastSide, which is where I was hanging out tonight. It hit me that for the past 2 months I've basically been floating wherever the wind blew me and as a result, my schedule was booked for the entire time. Tonight, I picked up my "L" magazine, found some free bars/lounges/clubs in the LES & village and took the train into Manhattan.
After about an hour of walking around and checking out a couple spots, I was making my way back to the subway when I stumbled across a venue called the Sapphire Lounge. There was a $5 cover, which I was glad to pay just to stop walking for a bit. Once inside I was impressed with the range of music that was played; Reggae, Dancehall, 80's, Rap, Funk, a good mix. How could you not dance when they are spinning Bob Marley?
I met a couple of interesting folks from different countries. One was as girl from Sweden who was out celebrating her birthday. She was telling me about how she was waiting for her work visa to clear so she can make money. I was thinking to my self that I dont have any red tape hanging over my head so I guess it's easier for me to find a job. Its relative because when you don't have something and need it, it doesn't matter how much easier you have it, its the fact that you dont have it that occupies your thoughts.
I also met a guy from France who is studying computer science. Eventually he wants to end up in California with his own business. He asked me, "Why did you leave?" I replied, "It was too perfect. I was too comfortable and haven't accomplished everything I needed to yet." I have mad love for Cali and I can tell you right now that there's a better chance of me living there again then staying in New York permanently. When I'm 60 years old, I like to imagine myself walking hand in hand with my wife along fisherman's wharf instead of racing to catch the subway. But, right now, I love NY.

Minus Sign 2

June 5 2004


Late Start
For the first time since I lived in New Orleans, I'm back to my normal sleeping cycle. If you look up the word vampire online, somewhere in that search you will come across my photo. I'm usually up until 3 or 4 in the morning, doing something. The endless reservoir of energy here is the extra fuel I need to get back into this flow.
There is a stereotype that classifies people who get up after 12 noon as being lazy and I'm far from that. Creatively, I find that my peak times are between 800pm and 400am. My theory on this is that everything in the universe is bound together by electrical currents. On AM radio, its easier to pick stations that are further away at night because there is less stuff blocking, diverting or competing with the frequencies. The same thing applies for me when generating creative ideas.
It's easier to let an idea come to me if I'm not distracted by the sound of an impatient driver outside of my window( ok, maybe a bad analogy cause that happens all the time here). Or let's say I'm trying to get a message from my future self about an important decision, well I channel my energy better at night; less traffic on the highway of information and I'm not talking about the internet.
Alright, so either you think I've totally lost my mind or maybe you say 'wow that's deep. I wonder if he's on LSD?' Either way, thanks for checking me out.

Minus Sign 2

June 6 2004


Hot 97's Street Soldiers

En route to enjoy one of my guilty pleasures, a Mcdonald's non-super size meal, I heard an interesting radio program called street soldiers on Hot 97. I'm not sure if they are affiliated with a program by the same name in the bay area, but the topics were also community related.

Tonight, the discussion centered on the 'hip hop' vote. One host is a local fox reporter and another is a former assembly man. The guests were Al 'do' Sharpton and Wu Tangs Killa Priest. So they were discussing getting folks registered to vote, primarily for the upcoming presidential selection.

Rev. Sharpton took the predictable civil rights activist stand that we have to get out and vote blah blah blah. Killa priest was saying, 'vote for who' It's like voting for the gun or the knife; both can kill you.'

One of the more interesting topics was that a hip-hop artist aka rapper, could be president. Why not? If my boy Arnold can win, why not 50 cent or Skelo? All jokes aside, I'm going to check out the Hip Hop Political Convention Next Weekend in Newark, to talk seriously with attendees about putting together a polictical party based on principles within hip hop culture. And no the canidates wont have their own fashion line, but maybe we'll throw in a rolex just for fun.

Check out the show Sundays' from 900-100pm , I'm not sure if they broadcast online though.

Minus Sign 2

June 7 2004


Panic Button
It's almost time to push the proverbial panic button. My bank account is almost at ground zero and I have no prospects for a job. Panic is setting in.
I'm at a loss about what to do. Going out and rubbing elbows with people, cost money also and that seems to be a way to find a job. I can't do that right now. The remainder of my money is, sad to say, going to be used just to eat. Last week, I averaged one good meal a day and I'm amazed at how much energy I was able to extract from this. Even more impressive was that my spirits were not down at all. I can't say that is the case right now.
I'm sending out more resumes as we speak and hopefully the tide will turn, but my hand is without a doubt hovering over the panic button.

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June 8 2004


One-Minute Manicure
Ok, let's see here.....uh how do I put this in the proper context....probably not a way do it in one sentence.....yesterday I got a manicure.
Just hear me out ok? Cool. I was sitting here typing away and not having any luck with the job search thing. I must have been giving off a stressed out vibe when Shelly says, 'Joe come here I want you to try something.' Suddenly I had a flash back to my days growing up with two sisters who often used me for experiments.
I enter the bathroom and she tells me to scoop some cream from a container and rub it on my hands because it will relieve some of my stress. It felt very sandy and coarse. I thought that it was doing more damage to my hands then helping then. After rinsing with water, it felt like my hands were made of glass!Amazing! Brilliant! At this point I was informed that I hand just had a One-Minute Manicure.  
I wouldn't have tried it if I were told in advance, but afterwards I'm glad that I did. My hands are feeling good and looking good. Now if this somehow can be transmitted from my keyboard and make my resume have the same kind of shine, I think this hand cream company may have a new spokesman.

Minus Sign 2

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