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Daily Logs March 24th-March-30th 2004

March 24th 2004

Freedom Day

Today is my freedom day. I woke up this morning feeling like I had to be free. Free from obligation, subjugation, frustration, interpretation, and miscommunication- in other words I quit my job.


It wasn't hard really,  I just thought about  how many hours I was wasting in my life in exchange for a few dollars that lasted for about 2 weeks ---> next payday. I aint dissing or judging folks who live that lifestyle, but its not working for me. I'd rather not have my life so planned and structured like this.


I guess I just had to prove to myself that I could go that route if I have to, but right now at the young age of 26, I can afford to be a bit more adventurous with my choices.


'God please guide my path as I venture into new territory. Illuminate my path and soften the ground on which I tread. Give me the courage and strength necessary for being successful, resourceful and enlightened. All praises to God, the universe and all of my ancestors before me.'

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March 25th 2004
One Week

I feel sorrow because of the wonderful people I'm leaving in Cali and excitement because of the people I'll be united with in New York. Its kinda like the feeling I got beating someone I loved in monopoly. Whenever I won, even if my opponent was talking mad sh** , I always felt sad about having to leave my friend in the dust in order to win the game. Thus, I feel really sad about leaving my loved ones now to accomplish some of my personal goals, but I understand its the path I must take.


I guess this website is all about attempting to bridge people from my past, present and future without virtually leaving or losing anyone. I can't help it. It's the dreamy, idealistic Pisces within me.


So its officially one week away until I leave and I've never felt so sad and excited at the same time. Surely good things will come of this right?

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March 26th 2004

Goodbye Milk
Over the past few months, my weekly hangout every Thursday night/Friday morning has been this spot in San Francisco called Milk. It's a pretty chill spot. Check it- do you remember when DJ's impressed you by what they spun? One minute you might hear a classic like "I got it made" and the next joint might be the "Hey Ya" remix by the great William Hung. It's hard to find cool spots where you can just be yourself. Once I discovered this place, I became a regular.  
Those of you who know me from New Orleans probably have nightmares about how many times I would drag everyone to the Red Eye after taping "No Apparent Reason" (Stop complaining Dave). I'm an energy freak! If it feels good, I get intoxicated by just being in such a place.
Well, I'll spare you the corny jokes that contain phrases like "Milk it does a body good" or "Got Milk?". Instead I'll simply say, "I won't cry over spilled ....".  Sorry couldn't resist.

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March 27th 2004


Internal Struggle With Fear


First off all I want to send my gratitude to everyone who has taken time to check this site and send me words of support, advice and most importantly love.  It's helping me sooo much!!! Especially on days like this when I'm battling the internal voices of doubt and fear.


Today, I planned to spend all day packing and its been hard to get started because of these fearful thoughts in my head. I can't lie; part of me is scared to death about the negative possibilities, like not finding a place before I run out of money.


The thing I'm afraid of the most is letting myself down and that's the fuel that I use to build up the strength and courage to take such a leap of faith. It aint easy and I don't want to portray a false image that it is, but with perseverance, faith, love and a little bit of luck, all things are possible.


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March 28th 2004


The Lost Boys
I worked on a film last year called the "The Lost Boys of  Sudan" They left their native country during the civil war and WALKED to Ethopia & Kenya as children to escape this. That to me is courageous and brave.
I'm friends with a group of Sudanese guys living in San Jose and I hung out with them tonight. They teach me about what is to be an African. My hunger for going to Africa has grown exponentially because of this and I'm grateful for that.
I wish them much peace and comfort here in America, and I also wish them success in rebuilding their country.

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March 29 2004


Happy Birthday Mom!!!
Today's my mommie's birthday and she won't let me write her age so I won't. The cutie next to her is my niece Malina who just had to be in every picture =). How could I say no?

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March 30 2004

Roadtrip Music
Any good Roadtrip needs a nice selection of brand spanking new music to pass the time. I mean, by the time I get out of Nevada, I'm sure that I will have exceeded my limit/tolerance of Garth Brooks on the radio. Feel me?
Let's see... that last three albums I bought were Kanye West, No Doubt & Norah Jones. But, now I can't listen to them because I played them to death. Help a brotha out!!!!!
If you have any suggestions on what I can pick up for the journey, I will be forever grateful. Ok, a bit of an overstatement but at least I will enjoy it until I reach New York. (Email me)
D(-)2 Days!!!

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