May 26 2004
DJ Spooky Art Show
I attended an art showing with David & Lauren for Paul Miller aka DJ
Spooky. We didn't stay too long, but I think it was long enough to get and idea of what it was about.
Let's see the
good. Mr. Miller spliced up a version of DW Griffths 'birth of a nation' with visuals of computer chips, matrix style. Underneath
this was some original tracks from DJ Spooky that worked really well.
The bad. Most of the gallery held enlarged 'progranda'
posters & blown-up frames from the film. These were nice on computer, but somehow in the transfer to print, the quality
was degraded and it didn't look good.
Overall, I love the idea of artist/celebrities using their infuence to speak
out creatively against this reckless administration. I just think the show looked rushed. This is JWH, art critic, signing
May 27 2004
I did so much stuff today that I had to write it down just to remember everything. In the early part of the day, I worked
with Jerry on restoration of 3D images taken over 100 years ago! The Natural Museum of History sent out expeditions in the
early part of the 1900's and this particular batch is from the Congo.Great stuff.
My first stop was to attend a function held for filmmaker Les Blank. I'd been exposed to his film's during my time working at the station in San Francisco. In his own words, he 'makes films
on people that interest him and that feel very passionate about what they create.' Jerry and I got to catch a bit of 'Lightnin
Hopkins' before making our way to the American Museum of Natural History.
David & Lauren caught up with us there to attend a NY Stereoscopic Society meeting. I was definitely interested in
seeing more images, but more so in seeing what your average 3D enthusiasts would be like. It was a very diverse and friendly
atmosphere. This particular evening, there was a slide presentation of Ellis Island. It moved me quite a bit and I came away
with another perspective on my journey.
Next, David & Lauren head home and Jerry takes me to Gray's Papaya! Best hot dogs in the world. Peep this; I got 2
hot dogs and a drink for $2.45! Amazing. FYI it's called the recession special.
Jerry headed home and I was off to check a Dead Prez show @ S.O.B's. As if my brain wasn't swelling enough from the information and experience of the day, I had to attend a function
that is geared toward revolution and social change. Before D.P. went on, there were about 10 other groups, I lost count after
awhile. The focus of this tour seems to be to bring together the different factions of hip hop; thugs, partiers, the chain
wearers and the conscious folk. This was reflected in the make up of the performers, but not the crowd. I gotta say, most
of the groups were wack, but the best performance by far, was from Immortal Technique. If you don't know about him yet, wakeup. Honorable mention goes to A.A likes, very good performance. I bought their CD,
but haven't listened yet.
Alright, so Dead Prez. As I understand it right now, they don't have a record contract any more and their following
is so huge they'd be better off not having one. The show was mainly material from the RGB album, but also featured joints
from the mixtapes and get free or die tryin album. They also had a multimedia presentation synced up to whatever song was
playing. It was heavy. Images definitely geared toward getting people to act. Not march, or protest or vote, but take matters
into your own hands. I'll leave it at that.
Finally, I got home exhausted and determined to get rest. Well, that is until tomorrow.
May 28 2004
Operation Find A Job
I'm gearing up for a day of searching for jobs and flooding inbox's with my resume. No more fun until I get this
I'm warming up to the idea of working in TV land again. Yesterday, I passed CBS, the letterman show & HBO and fathomed
the idea of working at a major network. I want take a job that will require my blood sweat and tears, I 'll give
enough to continue this adventure. So who knows? On Saturday I'll spend a day in front of my PC ,which lately stands
for 'probably crashes,' and hopefully I'll actually go to the interview this time.
May 29 2004
A State of Moving
It seemed today that everyone on the block was moving in or out at the same
time. My neighbor Danny was moving out to Staten Island & so I pitched in.
So from what I've been told, Staten
Island is home to a lot of NYPD, guys who probably wouldn't have been at the Dead Prez concert. What I do know is that rents
are much cheaper. Danny's new space is huge! It has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, washer/dryer, & in the master bedroom their
is a stairway leading to a loft overlooking the bedroom! All of this for 1300 a month. As with anything in real estate, its
all about location, location, location.
I did manage to send out one resume today, so I didn't feel so bad when I
went back to the local club Southpaw with my other neighbor Jason. Jason is manily into punk rock, so this was his first outing
to a hiphop joint. Well, I've never been to a punk rock club either so I guess I'll have to go to one soon. Southpaw wasn't
as good as last time, different vibe. The quest for my kinda scene continues...
May 30 2004
Fung Wah Bus
I was told about a bus that transports passengers from Chinatown Manhattan to Chinatown Boston called the Fung Wah bus. The unbelievable part of this is that the price is just $10 each way!! I had to experience this and visiting
my friend Janel in Boston provided a perfect opportunity. I met Janel at America's first ever state sanction gay marriage
ceremonies and she was kind enough to let me crash at her place. That is if I make it on this bus.
The buses leave once an hour from 7:00am-midight everyday. I aimed for making the 2:00pm bus which considering that I
wake up around noon everyday is well within my range. I get there just as the bus is arriving and I hand them a credit card
@ the ticket both and of course they only accept cash. The first atm I run to is broken, great. I quickly ran around the block
and found another one, but someone was using it and being very slow about it. I waited, got the cash ran back to the booth,
grabbed the ticket and raced onto the bus. Just happy to have made it, I was indiscriminate about where I sat; big mistake.
The people in front of me, a French couple, were about 4 feet tall and took up twice that amount in seat space.
How? Well, they leaned there seats back as far as the could go, had their feet on other seats blocking the aisle. I
had to sit sidewayz the entire journey, with my legs spilling into the aisle. When I finally arrived, I felt like never
sitting down again. All things considered, it was only 10 bucks and the total time was about 4 hours. I just hope the return
trip goes smoother.
May 31 2004
Fung Wah 2 & Shrek 2
I got up this morning prepared this time for the Fung Wah experience & was ready to choose the right seat at all
costs. Projected time of departure: 12:00pm. You should know by now, in my world things don't seem to happen that easily.
The 12 o'clock bus was sold out when I got there and the earliest bus available was at 3. I noticed a competing bus line
down the street and inquired about a faster departure time, but they only had 4pm buses. Having at least 3 hours to kill,
I went to check out the 1220 showing of Shrek 2.
I guess the movie was good. I was awake for the first half hour. One minute the guy is green, the next minute he's not.
Judging by the laughter from the audience and the applause at the end of the film, I give it 2 thumbs up.
Back to the task at hand; get on the bus! The film let out around 220pm and I make it back to the ticket both and got
a 4pm seat. There must have been a backlog of buses because four buses pulled up in the span of an hour and I was on the road
by 330pm. So far, so good.
I got a window seat with plenty of room and the lady sitting next to me was quiet. I close my eyes and drift
off into dreamland. Somehow when I woke up, the lady next to me turned into a guy who was on his cell phone talking about
his sex life for the next 4 hours.
Keeping with the theme from the bus ride, I met up with David, Lauren, Shelly & Laurel to check out a Burlesque
show. The hostess tried to recruit Lauren to be apart of the show, but to no avail. Somehow we all made it home
and I was asked the question 'Would I take the bus again?' Well....I dont know, depends on how much pain I want to endure.
June 1 2004
Work Work Work
Today was all about, nose to the ground, eyes straight ahead, looking for a gig. Gig sounds a lot better than a job.
A job sounds more permanent besides being a drag. Yeah that's right, I'm bringing back the 60's & 70's lingo, ya
dig? Sorry I don't know where that came from, so just ignore that.
Among the gigs I applied for were, nightlife photographer, screenwriter, model(don't laugh), tape operator, focus group
on allergies, focus group on alcoholism (don't worry I can fake it), extra in a film and production associate.
Who knows if anything will come of this, but as Lauren told me last night, 'you've come too far to stop now and get back into
your normal pattern. Apply the same bravery to getting a gig.' Right now I'm brave, but as the hunger pains increase, maybe
I'll become the cowardly lion.